What We Do
We are a charity that crafts for the community.
We make useful items, that bring joy or
relieves discomfort.
What We Make
Scrubs, Scrub bags, Heart pairs, Tabards,
Dementia items, Sensory items, Teddies/toys,
Incubator covers. Incubator mattresses,
Neonatal clothing/toys/blankets,
Drain bags, Gifts for Christmas and Easter.
Scarves, Gloves, Hats,
Heart cushions for mastectomy comfort.
Toiletry bags, Tote bags, Masks & mask bags.
Theatre jackets.
Bed socks, Bed Jackets, Shawls, Blankets,
Sleep Masks & Pouches.
Tissue pouches, Children’s jumpers and cardigans.
Angel baby items.
Christmas tree decorations,
Worry monsters and Worry worms.
We are making and distributing around 3 – 4,000 items
a month to our community.
We have 14 hubs throughout the Dudley borough, and beyond – Kidderminster, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Sandwell and South Staffordshire. There is a fab team of volunteer drivers. Distributing to the hubs, and the communities that we support. We have over 1700 members in our Facebook group. These are makers, volunteers or supporters. Up to now, we have been completely self-funded. We raise funds by asking for donations for some of our made items. We also run on-line auctions on Facebook of donated items from our community. Raising valuable funds to continue making for our community. We also receive financial donations from our supporters. But just as important as the making, is the wonderful community we have created. A tribe of mostly women – Merry Makers – who are there to support each other. Lift each other up. Many a time I have heard that being a part of this group is getting them through. Gives those involved as sense of purpose. And feeling like we are doing something to help, when we feel pretty helpless. Therefore, boosting the mental health of so many. It’s a safe, friendly and supportive environment in a sea of unknown. We are blessed to have each other. We will continue our support as long as there is a need. We now have our own space to work from, a HQ. Enabling us the space to run workshops.
These workshops are partly for community spirit, and partly for ensuring that these crafts stay in the future.
Passing them through the generations.
Copyright @ cforc.co.uk